
How 2NFORM Models Stormwater Runoff for California’s MS4 Programs

Stormwater management in California is more crucial than ever, especially with the tightening compliance requirements under MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) programs. For cities grappling with the challenge of reducing runoff and managing green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), it’s vital to have tools that do more than just track data. These cities need innovative solutions that model stormwater dynamics and forecast long-term impacts, empowering them to create sustainable and resilient urban environments.

That’s where 2NFORM, powered by the innovative TELR (Stormwater Tool to Estimate Load Reductions), comes in. Developed by the 2NDNATURE science team, 2NFORM offers stormwater managers a cloud-based platform that models runoff reductions, empower decision-making, and helps meet regulatory requirements.

Why GSI is Essential for MS4 Compliance

Urbanization has increased stormwater runoff in cities across California due to impervious surfaces like roads, rooftops, and parking lots. GSI solutions such as rain gardens, permeable pavements, and green roofs aim to mitigate these effects, reducing runoff and preventing pollutants from entering local waterways.

But how do stormwater managers prove these systems work, especially when compliance with NPDES permits requires measurable data?

This is where advanced modeling becomes critical. Simple data tracking can only take you so far—cities must simulate various stormwater scenarios, understand long-term impacts, and adjust their GSI strategies accordingly. With 2NFORM’s powerful modeling capabilities, this becomes possible.

The Science Behind TELR: Understanding Runoff and GSI Performance

At the core of 2NFORM’s stormwater management capabilities is TELR (Stormwater Tool to Estimate Load Reductions). Developed by the 2NDNATURE science team, TELR is built on rigorous scientific principles that enable municipalities to accurately estimate the impact of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) on runoff reductions.

Download our TELR Research Article - see the open science behind our modeling methods

TELR utilizes a spatially distributed model, which means it divides urban areas into a grid of 30-meter cells, allowing for precise analysis of how different GSI systems perform in specific locations. This level of granularity is crucial because stormwater management isn’t one-size-fits-all; runoff behaves differently depending on factors like land use, soil type, and drainage patterns. TELR’s high-resolution modeling ensures that cities can capture these nuances and better understand how stormwater moves through urban environments.

By simulating long-term rainfall data and its interactions with GSI, TELR goes beyond simply tracking current runoff levels. It models potential future scenarios, allowing stormwater managers to plan for various outcomes. Whether it’s simulating a heavy storm or long-term climate changes, TELR provides the insights needed to predict how GSI will perform over time and where investments will be most effective.

This scientific approach offers stormwater managers something invaluable: the ability to forecast how their infrastructure will reduce stormwater runoff, meet regulatory standards, and improve water quality for years to come.

Implementation in 2NFORM: Practical Tools for Stormwater Managers

While TELR forms the scientific backbone of runoff modeling, it’s through 2NFORM that municipalities and stormwater managers access and apply this powerful technology. 2NFORM, a web-based platform, transforms TELR’s complex modeling capabilities into a user-friendly tool that supports real-time scenario planning and regulatory compliance.

One of 2NFORM’s standout features is its Scenario Planning module, which allows users to create, test, and compare multiple stormwater management strategies. By simulating different GSI configurations, users can see the potential outcomes of their infrastructure decisions before investing in costly projects. The module leverages TELR’s precise modeling to give actionable insights into where GSI is most effective at reducing runoff, allowing for data-driven decision-making.

Cities like Salinas, California have already benefited from 2NFORM’s practical implementation of TELR. By applying 35 years of rainfall data through TELR’s models, Salinas was able to track and predict GSI performance across multiple urban catchments. This helped the city identify vital areas for future investment, ensuring that their stormwater management strategies would deliver the best long-term results.

With TELR embedded into 2NFORM, stormwater managers can monitor the performance of existing GSI systems, update inputs in real time, and generate detailed reports to meet NPDES compliance. The platform is designed to make these complex processes simple and accessible, empowering even non-technical users to model runoff reductions and ensure that their stormwater infrastructure remains compliant and resilient.

Real-World Results: Salinas, California

The research behind 2NFORM and TELR is more than just theoretical. In Salinas, California, the platform has already proven its worth. Over a three-year period, Salinas used 2NFORM to model runoff reductions across several urban catchments. The tool simulated real-world conditions and provided actionable data that allowed the city to plan for the future.

Using TELR, Salinas was able to identify areas where GSI could reduce annual runoff by up to **19 cm**, which significantly contributed to the city’s stormwater management goals. With this data in hand, Salinas can now confidently implement future GSI projects knowing they will meet regulatory requirements while improving local water quality.

How 2NFORM Helps California MS4 Programs

For California’s stormwater managers and public works directors, 2NFORM offers a comprehensive solution to the everyday challenges of stormwater management:

  • Compliance: 2NFORM streamlines NPDES reporting and ensures that cities stay ahead of regulatory requirements.
  • Asset Management: 2NFORM enables California MS4 programs to meet the forthcoming Phase II permit’s asset inventory and management requirements.
  • ArcGIS Integration: 2NDNATURE is Esri’s go-to partner for stormwater management solutions.
  • Efficiency: 2NFORM provides clear, data-driven insights that help prioritize GSI investments and optimize resource allocation.
  • Scenario Planning: The 2NFORM Scenario Planning module allows cities to model various stormwater reduction strategies before committing to costly projects.
  • Long-Term Impact: By leveraging TELR’s ability to model long-term runoff reductions, cities can ensure that their GSI projects remain effective and compliant with MS4 regulations.

Moving Forward: Optimize Your Stormwater Program

As cities across California continue to face growing challenges related to stormwater runoff and compliance, tools like 2NFORM are more critical than ever. The platform’s ability to model stormwater reductions and provide actionable insights can help municipalities meet their MS4 requirements while improving urban sustainability.

With 2NFORM and TELR, stormwater managers can take control of their stormwater infrastructure, plan for the future, and ensure long-term success.

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