
Focused Stormwater Quality Monitoring To Inform Assumptions and Evaluate Predictive Capabilites of Existing Tools



Prepared by 2NDNATURE and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants for USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Executive Summary excerpt

The primary focus of this research was to obtain a representative and reliable stormwater dataset to compare to applicable predictions from the Pollutant Load Reduction Model (PLRM; NHC et al 2009) and provide road specific data to inform the development of Road Rapid Assessment Methodology (Road RAM; 2NDNATURE et al 2010). These currently are the only tools approved for use by the Lake Clarity Crediting Program (Crediting Program; LRWQCB and NDEP 2009), a program intended to incentivize and measure progress toward the attainment of urban stormwater load reductions established in the Lake Tahoe TMDL (LRWQCB and NDEP 2010). However the initial versions of each tool were developed with known limitations. The research documented herein is the culmination of three years of intensive experimental design, stormwater data collection, modeling efforts and data analysis that has greatly improved our understanding of Tahoe Basin urban stormwater quality. This report serves as the final deliverable for a USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station grant using SNPLMA Round 9 funding, but relevant information and data obtained from preceding efforts are included in the following analyses when applicable to improve interpretations.


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