
Road Operation and Maintenance Practices Effectiveness Testing

The Road Operation and Maintenance (RO&M) Practices Effectiveness Testing was undertaken to develop standardized guidance for Tahoe jurisdictions to document and test the effectiveness of specific RO&M practices that could be implemented to achieve credit awards through the Lake Clarity Crediting Program LRWQCB and NDEP; 2015a). The effort involved extensive and continued cooperation and collaboration with jurisdictional stormwater managers and road maintenance personnel, regulators, and field personnel conducting Road RAM observations. The specific objectives of the study were to: 1. improve our understanding of the factors influencing road condition; 2. inform jurisdictions as to expected road condition scores from the implementation of a suite of RO&M practices; 3. improve communication and coordination within and between jurisdictions, and 4. develop a simple and repeatable methodology for consistent future RO&M practices effectiveness testing.

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